Prior to calling for service:
*See troubleshooting tips below
* Review light indicators below
1. If lift stops operating, confirm nothing is in the way of the light curtain.
2. DO NOT PRESS EMERGENCY BUTTON UNLESS IT IS AN EMERGENCY. If the Emergency Button is accidentally pressed, spin the red button to the right. Then turn the key to the off position and back to the on position to reset.
3. If the lift door is not opening, most likely the lift has not completely arrived at the desired floor. If on the first floor, raise the lift 2 feet then descend, continuously pushing the button, until the lift stops on it’s own. If on a higher floor, lower the lift 2 feet, then raise, continuously pushing the button, until the lift stops on it’s own.
If after reviewing the above information you need assistance, please call: (760) 996-3406